
Sturbridge offers many events throughout the year that can include local concerts, farmers markets, fun runs or the continuous interactive programming at Old Sturbridge Village.

Book Sale! Sturbridge Library

The Friends Book Sale will be a great opportunity to find and purchase new books.   The selection will include fiction and non-fiction for adults and children.  The sale will be...

Caregivers Overview of Medicare


Trying to help a family member understand Medicare? This educational presentation reviews Medicare, additional Medicare plans such as supplements, Medicare Advantage and Part D, and timeframes for enrolling. Help your...

Virtual Trivia Night – TV Commercials


Join us on Zoom to test your knowledge! This month, we will be looking at TV commercials. Play solo or organize a team! For security purposes, participants' videos will be...

Community Puzzle Swap


Come take part in our Community Puzzle Swap! Puzzles of all sizes with be available and will be collected prior to or on the day of the swap. Tables will...

Spring Plant Sale


The Southbridge Garden Club presents its Annual Spring Plant Sale. The sale features perennials, veggies, plant and herb baskets, free Ph soil testing, and an 'odds and ends' table.