
Sturbridge offers many events throughout the year that can include local concerts, farmers markets, fun runs or the continuous interactive programming at Old Sturbridge Village.

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Walktober in the Last Green Valley

Walktober is the biggest and best celebration of autumn in Southern New England. The 34th Annual Walktober guide gives you more than 230 unique opportunities to experience the wonders of...


Brimfield Annual Auto Show

Auction Acres presents the 16th Annual Brimfield Auto Show! There will be cars, food trucks, and beverages from the Brimfield Winery. All proceeds to benefit Hitchcock and Brimfield Firefighter's Association....

45th Annual Apple Country Fair

Showcasing the work of more than 90 local crafters, the 45th annual Apple Country Fair will be held on the Brookfield Town Common, on Saturday, October 12, 2024, from 10...