

Sturbridge offers many events throughout the year that can include local concerts, farmers markets, fun runs or the continuous interactive programming at Old Sturbridge Village.

Sturbridge Spring Town Bonfire

The Sturbridge Spring Town Bonfire will be held on Saturday April 30th from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm on the Town Common.  Live music with the Sunshine and Blue Skies Band.  Face painting and a crafts table will be available.  Food  and drink includes coffee and beverages from Sturbridge Coffee Roasters and Greater Good Imperial...

Walk MA Challenge

The Walk MA Challenge is not a fundraiser but a chance for participants, age 5 and up  to walk for enjoyment, fellowship and exercise while sponsoring a grandparent, family member, neighbor or senior friend.  Prizes will be awarded to participants.  Your participation helps the Sturbridge Council on Aging win funding for fitness programs.

2021 Tree Lighting Ceremony

The Sturbridge Recreation Committee is sponsoring its annual tree lighting ceremony. Entertainment will include a visit by Santa with music by DJ Music Matters.