Live Music at Altruist Brewing

Live music is “on tap” at the attractive Altruist Brewing location in the Mill Yard Building on Route 20 or 559 Main Street in Sturbridge, MA. The dates and times for July are listed below:
+ Friday, July 1st at 6:30pm – Jared Fiske
+ Wednesday, July 6th at 6pm – Open Mic Night with Mike Melendez
+ Thursday, July 7th at 7pm – Wise Guys Trivia
+ Friday, July 8th at 7pm – Midnight Riders
+ Saturday, July 9th at 6:30pm – Unsung Trio
+ Sunday, July 10th at 12:30pm – Sip and Script Workshop
+ Sunday, July 10th at 2pm – Paul Courchaine